In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Eric Killmonger, played by Michael B. Jordan, was a complex and nuanced villain in 2018’s Black Panther. His character’s untimely death at the hands of T’Challa, the king of Wakanda, left fans wondering if they would ever see him again. According to Jordan, he is open to reprising his role, but it would take a compelling story.
In an interview, Jordan expressed his love for the Black Panther character, saying, “I would play him again, but it would have to be in a way that makes sense for the story.” He emphasized that the character’s journey must be meaningful, stating, “I’m not just going to do it for selfish reasons. I want to do it because the story is good, and he’s a part of it.”
Jordan’s co-star, Lupita Nyong’o, who played Nakia in the film, is also open to Killmonger’s return, stating, “I think it would be interesting to explore his vulnerability. He’s a complex character, and I think there’s more to explore there.” Wakanda Forever director Ryan Coogler, who also co-wrote the film’s screenplay, agrees, saying, “I think Michael B. Jordan’s performance was incredible. If we were to explore that character further, I think it would be really interesting.”
However, it’s essential to note that Marvel Studios has not officially announced any plans for Killmonger’s return. Disney+, the streaming service, has set the stage for new stories in the MCU, and the likes of Doctor Strange and Black Widow, but nothing is confirmed regarding a Killmonger revival.
In conclusion, while Michael B. Jordan is open to reprising his role as Killmonger, it would depend on a compelling storyline and the creative direction of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Fans can only hope that the character will return in some form, bringing with him the complexity and nuance that made him such a memorable villain.