Towana Looney, a 53-year-old woman from Alabama, has become the latest recipient of a gene-edited pig kidney transplant. This marks the third instance of a gene-edited pig kidney being transplanted into a living human. Looney had been living with dialysis since 2016 after her remaining kidney failed due to pregnancy complications.
Looney’s surgery was performed at NYU Langone Hospital, where she received the gene-edited pig kidney on November 25. The procedure was led by Dr. Robert Montgomery, who has performed seven human xenotransplantations, including the world’s first gene-edited pig-to-human organ transplant.
Looney’s case is significant because she is currently the only living person with an animal organ transplant. Her body had gradually lost accessible blood vessels to support dialysis, leaving her increasingly frail. Despite being a high-risk patient, Looney’s surgery was successful, and she was discharged from the hospital on December 6.
Looney’s story highlights the potential of xenotransplantation to address the organ shortage crisis, which affects over 100,000 Americans, including over 90,000 who need kidneys. Researchers are optimistic about the future of xenotransplantation, citing advancements in gene editing and immune system management.
Looney’s surgery marks a significant step forward in the field of xenotransplantation, and her case is expected to pave the way for potential clinical trials to determine the safety and efficacy of gene-edited pig kidneys as a new source of organs for patients in need.