Title: The “Polio” Scam: Government-Sponsored Hype or Reality?
I have no doubt that the recent “polio” cases in Jewish communities are just a scam, just like the numerous “polio” cases of the past few years. I say this because I personally investigated all of them, and I can conclude that they were orchestrated to promote vaccination.
In 2022, the Health Ministry launched a massive campaign to vaccinate children after reporting several cases of polio in unvaccinated Israelis. However, my investigation revealed that all of these cases were either fabricated or greatly exaggerated. I personally spoke to the mother of one child who allegedly had polio, and she told me that her daughter was fine and had been infected by live oral vaccine shedding.
Another case involved a child who was pronounced “polio-positive” after a routine health check-up, only to be told that he had to receive both live and injected vaccines on the same day. This child never had any symptoms and was only targeted due to his unvaccinated status.
A third case involved a young man who was allegedly paralyzed after a Sheva Brachos, but the family received conflicting reports of the results, with the doctor stating that the cause was likely Coxsackie virus, not polio.
In 2023, several children in Tzfas were reported to have polio, but my investigation revealed that they were actually vaccinated children.
The author suggests that the medical establishment and government use fear-mongering to promote vaccination, giving different names to paralysis depending on the vaccination status of the child. The author concludes that the true motives behind these incidents are questionable and leaves readers to draw their own conclusions.