The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim is an animated prequel to the classic 2003 film, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. The film tells the story of Helm Hammerhand, the legendary king of Rohan, and the wars he fought to defend his kingdom against the Dark Lord Sauron’s forces.
The film opens with a flashback of the peaceful kingdom of Rohan, where Helm is married to his wife, Ethil. However, the peace is short-lived as the forces of Mordor, led by Sauron’s chief captain, Agandaûr, begin to infiltrate the kingdom. Agandaûr is determined to take over Rohan and use its fertile lands to grow crops for Sauron’s armies.
As the war breaks out, Helm and his wife flee to the fortress of Edoras, where they meet with the Steward of Gondor, Théoden. The Steward informs Helm that he has received a warning from Gandalf the Grey about the impending war, and that he has sent troops to aid Rohan.
Despite the arrival of Gondorian troops, Rohan is vastly outnumbered and outgunned by the forces of Mordor. Helm realizes that the only way to defend his kingdom is to abandon his fortress and launch a guerrilla war against the enemy. He uses his knowledge of the wilderness to outmaneuver Agandaûr’s forces and launch surprise attacks against them.
As the war rages on, Helm’s wife, Ethil, is captured by Agandaûr and brought to the fortress of Edoras. Helm becomes obsessed with rescuing his wife and launches a final, desperate attack on the fortress. However, Agandaûr has a personal vendetta against Helm and uses his powers of magic to defeat the king in battle.
In the end, Helm is mortally wounded and dies in the arms of his wife. However, his sacrifice does not go in vain as it inspires the people of Rohan to continue the fight against Mordor. The film ends with Helm’s son, Dama, taking up his father’s mantle and vowing to continue the war against Sauron.
Throughout the film, it becomes clear that Helm Hammerhand’s story is an allegory for the real-life struggles of the British during World War II. Just as Helm fought to defend his kingdom against the forces of darkness, the British fought to defend their homes and way of life against the forces of Nazi Germany.
The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim is a powerful and moving story that explores the themes of courage, sacrifice, and the importance of fighting against evil. The film features stunning animation and a powerful voice cast, making it a must-see for fans of the Lord of the Rings franchise.