In a groundbreaking move, Ukraine has deployed an all-robot assault force to the battlefield for the first time, targeting Russian troops. The operation, launched by a Ukrainian national guard brigade in Kharkiv, involved a combination of remote-controlled flying surveillance and minelaying drones, explosive robots on the ground and in the air, as well as gun-armed ground robots.
One of the robots deployed is a ground robot equipped with a Browning 12.7 mm machine gun, which is operated remotely. The operation also featured flying drones, including a dragon drone that fired thermite on a Russian bunker. The thermite ignites at 2,500 degrees, capable of melting through steel.
The robot assault force is just one example of Ukraine’s increasingly advanced military technology, which has rapidly evolved throughout the war. In previous months, Ukraine has used sea drones, known as the “Sea Baby”, to attack Russian warships and aircraft. The “Sea Baby” drones are equipped with onboard machine guns and have a range of up to 1,000km.
Other Ukrainian robots, such as the “Honey Badger” kamikaze drone, have been used to destroy bridges and prevent Russian troop advances. Ukraine has also developed robotic dogs, known as BAD One, which can be used for tasks such as delivering medical supplies and ammunition to frontline troops.
The use of robots in warfare is changing the nature of combat in Ukraine, with the goal of reducing the risk of injury or death to soldiers. Deputy Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov has stated that Ukraine plans to purchase tens of thousands of uncrewed robotic ground vehicles next year to transport ammunition and supplies, as well as evacuate wounded soldiers.