Trump Considers Deporting 30,000 Migrants to Guantanamo Bay

President Donald Trump has reportedly told his advisors to prepare for the transfer of approximately 30,000 individuals, identified as “criminal illegal aliens,” to the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The transfer would require significant logistical arrangements, including adapting the facility to accommodate an increase in inmates, reassigning personnel, and finding sufficient resources to support the expanded population. The president’s plan is seen as a move to demonstrate his commitment to addressing the issue of illegal immigration, particularly on the US-Mexico border, by using the controversial detention facility.

The plan is expected to face stiff resistance from human rights groups and lawmakers, who have long criticized the facility’s treatment of detainees, citing reports of mistreatment, abuse, and indefinite detention without charge or trial. The facility has also been the subject of controversy over the years, with allegations of the use of torture and other inhumane treatment of detainees.

It is unclear at this time if the plan has been finalized, as officials have not publicly confirmed the reports. However, sources close to the White House have indicated that the president is keenly interested in pursuing the plan, and advisors are working to make it a reality.

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