Trans soldiers date to the Civil War, with records of a few dozen individuals serving as both Union and Confederate soldiers during the 1861-1865 conflict. Despite the relative scarcity of transgender individuals serving in the military during this era, these individuals left behind a trail of documents, letters, and diaries that shed light on their lives and experiences.
One of the most well-documented cases is that of Albert D.J. Cashier, a Union soldier who served as a member of the 79th Illinois Infantry. Cashier was assigned to male quarters, but was known among his comrades to wear skirts and often participate in sewing and needlework. After the war, Cashier returned to his civilian life as Albert, but struggled with identity issues and eventually resorted to living as a man.
Another notable example is Belle Boyd, a Confederate spy who worked for the Confederate Army during the war. Born Phyllis Edior, Boyd was born with an XY chromosome pattern but identified and lived as a woman throughout her life. According to her own accounts, she even underwent sex reassignment surgery (though this claim is disputed by some historians).
In the 20th century, the US military relaxed its strict policies regarding gender assignments. However, transgender individuals still faced significant discrimination and harassment. During the Vietnam War, some trans people served in the military, often without accommodation or recognition. One such individual was Allison Laing, a US Marine who transitioned during his service. Laing was openly transgender, dressing in women’s clothing and using hormone replacement therapy to facilitate his transition.
The more recent history of trans people in the military is more complex, marked by controversy over the ban on transgender individuals serving in the military. Under President Trump’s 2017 announcement, transgender individuals were initially prohibited from serving in any capacity, citing concerns about morale, readiness, and unit cohesion. In 2020, the US Supreme Court ruled that the transgender ban was likely unconstitutional, paving the way for the military to reconsider its policies on trans service members. Today, the US military still faces challenges in accommodating and supporting its transgender personnel, but there are ongoing efforts to create a more inclusive and accepting environment for all service members.