By introducing Nathan Drake’s brother Sam early on, the Uncharted movie sequel has already avoided one of the biggest criticisms of the video game franchise. The first Uncharted movie was a disappointing adaptation, particularly compared to the warmly received Nathan Fillion-led fan film. The official movie’s set-pieces were not as cinematic as the games’, and the mystery storyline was not as engaging.
The Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End game was widely praised, but it received criticism for introducing Nate’s long-lost brother out of nowhere. This was a problem because the possibility of pirate ghosts had been floated in the second act, and some fans felt that the introduction of Sam, who had never been mentioned before, was unrealistic.
The Uncharted movie has already resolved this issue by establishing Sam as a major character from the very beginning. The opening flashback shows Nate growing up in an orphanage with his older brother, and Sam’s character is woven seamlessly into the narrative. This move allows the movie to avoid the criticism leveled at the game, where Nate’s relationship with Sam felt like a retcon (retroactive continuity) to suddenly bring in a character who had previously been unknown.
The success of the movie’s introduction of Sam also sets up the potential for a compelling exploration of Nate and Sam’s relationship in the sequel. In the games, Nate and Sam have a unique dynamic, with Nate being the more mature and responsible one. The movie will have to recapture this by portraying the contrast between the two brothers and their different personalities.
Unlike the games, where Sam is introduced as a long-lost brother, the movie establishes their relationship early on, allowing for a richer narrative to develop. The first Uncharted movie may have botched the dynamic between Nate and Sully, but if the sequel can get the relationship between Nate and Sam right, it will be a significant step forward in making a worthwhile Uncharted movie adaptation.