Title: How 3 Star Wars Movie Ideas Were Turned into TV Shows
The success of The Mandalorian in 2019 changed the game for Star Wars, allowing the franchise to adjust its plans and transform movie ideas into TV shows. Three movie ideas were specifically turned into TV shows, with varying degrees of success.
The first movie idea to undergo a transformation was Boba Fett’s, which was initially announced in 2012. After years of setbacks, including directorial changes, the movie was ultimately canceled in 2018. However, after Temuera Morrison’s performance as Boba Fett in The Mandalorian season 2, the character got his own TV show, The Book of Boba Fett, which premiered in December 2021.
The second movie idea to be turned into a TV show was Obi-Wan Kenobi, which was initially planned as a movie trilogy. However, after The Mandalorian’s success, Star Wars decided to pursue a limited series instead. While the reception to the show was generally positive, it would have been better suited as a movie trilogy, given the complexity of the original story and the importance of Obi-Wan’s character in the franchise.
The third and most recent movie idea to be turned into a TV show is Skeleton Crew, which started out as a pitch for a feature film before being developed as an 8-episode TV series. The show’s early reviews have been overwhelmingly positive, suggesting that the decision to turn it into a TV show was the right one.
In conclusion, while not all of these TV shows were successful, they demonstrate Star Wars’ willingness to adapt and re-evaluate its plans in response to changing circumstances. As the franchise continues to expand into the realm of live-action TV, it will be interesting to see which other movie ideas get reworked into shows, and how they fare in the process.