Disappearance at Clifton Hill is a 2020 Canadian thriller directed by Albert Shin. The film follows Abby, a middle-aged woman who returns to her hometown of Niagara Falls to claim her inherited motel/casino after her mother’s death. As she delves into the mystery of a childhood kidnapping, she uncovers dark secrets and confronts her troubled past.
The film’s unique and unexpected ending adds a new layer to the viewing experience, changing the audience’s understanding of the story. While some critics praised the performances and tone of the film, others found the ending to be divisive and the narrative too slippery.
The ending reveals that the man Abby was looking for, Alex, is the one-eyed boy she saw in the woods as a child, and he is not a victim of murder. In fact, he survived and was involved in the events that unfolded. This twist calls into question everything Abby believed about the case, including the identity of the person who saved him. The ending also suggests that Abby’s perception of reality is unreliable, as she is revealed to be a compulsive liar.
The film’s final moments show Abby smiling, seemingly pleased with the chaos she has caused, which some interpret as a commentary on the sensationalization of crime and the audience’s fascination with it. The ending is also seen as a critique of the media’s role in shaping public perception of crime and justice.
The film received a 76% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with many critics praising the performances and direction. However, the ending was met with mixed reactions, with some finding it unsatisfying and others praising its bold and thought-provoking nature. The ending’s impact is left to interpretation, leaving audiences to ponder the blurred lines between truth and fiction.