The Final Destination movie series is getting a reboot with the upcoming sixth installment, Final Destination: Bloodlines. The franchise, which was launched in 2000, has followed the same formula throughout its five movies, with a new protagonist being given a vision of a deadly event and subsequently trying to avoid their own death. However, the new film is taking a different approach by focusing on first responders, such as firefighters, EMTs, and police officers.
One of the notable changes is that the film will explore the backstory of Tony Todd’s character, William Bludworth, the only character from the previous movies to return. The film is also said to differ from the franchise’s formula, which will allow it to finally solve the franchise’s biggest mystery: the source of the visions and how the targets are chosen.
According to reports, the film is set to differ from the franchise’s formula by introducing a new approach, but without losing the saga’s essence. The movie is expected to feature bizarre and shocking deaths, which will add to the suspense and horror of the film. With this, Final Destination: Bloodlines has the potential to solve the mystery of the visions and how the targets are chosen, but it could also end up making it a lot bigger.
The film is directed by Zach Lipovsky and Adam B. Stein and stars Tony Todd, Brec Bassinger, Teo Briones, Richard Harmon, Owen Patrick Joyner, and Rya Kihlstedt. The film is set for release in 2025, and fans of the franchise are eagerly awaiting the new installment.