The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is known for its ability to balance comedic and serious tones, but it can also struggle with …
A24’s latest horror comedy is poised to surprise audiences as a potential 2025 sleeper hit.
by John Ellisby John EllisA24’s sleeper hit of 2025? A24, responsible for some of the most unique genre outings of the last decade, has scored again …
Prometheus Star Explains Why Alien: Covenant Left Audiences Lost.
by John Ellisby John EllisGuy Pearce Shares His Thoughts on Prometheus’ Confusing Storytelling Guy Pearce, who played Peter Weyland in Ridley Scott’s 2012 film Prometheus, has …
Scarlett Johansson shines in the cult classic horror movie still delighting audiences 22 years later.
by John Ellisby John EllisScarlett Johansson’s Spider-Infested Horror Movie: An Underrated Gem In 2002, Scarlett Johansson starred in Eight Legged Freaks, a horror movie that received …