Director of The Substance, Coralie Fargeat, has revealed that a continuation of the smash-hit horror film is not in the cards. Released in 2024, the psychological body horror film revolved around a fading film star who, on the heels of being fired from her aerobics TV show, discovers the titular black market drug, which allows her to transform into a younger version of herself.
While attending Variety’s 10 Directors to Watch and Creative Impact Awards brunch during the Palm Springs International Film Festival, Fargeat revealed that she was not interested in making a sequel to The Substance, saying, “No sequels, no prequels” and noting that this was part of the original movie’s theme.
By prioritizing originality, Fargeat reinforces her reputation as a filmmaker who is dedicated to creating bold and innovative stories. Her choice not to revisit The Substance through a sequel or prequel highlights her determination to continue pushing boundaries, ensuring that her next project attracts lots of attention while the public awaits something equally provocative and compelling as her breakthrough film.
Fargeat’s decision is not unique in the film industry, where balancing commercial success with creative originality is a delicate balancing act. Her choice to prioritize originality, however, sets her apart from many contemporary filmmakers. Her commitment to creating fresh stories is a testament to her artistic integrity and a demonstration of the value of leaving certain stories complete and untouched.
While sequels have always been a dominating force in Hollywood, Fargeat’s decision to move on to new projects is a refreshing change of pace. Her focus on delivering fresh, new stories gives hope for future movies that will capture audiences just like The Substance did. Despite the potential disappointment for those who wanted a follow-up, Fargeat’s comments showcase the value of leaving certain stories complete and untouched.