The Kung Fu Panda movie franchise includes four films between 2008 and 2024, with all four films available to stream. The films follow Po, a panda chosen as the prophesied Dragon Warrior, on his journey through learning kung fu and fulfilling his fate. The franchise has seen major commercial and critical success, particularly for its interpretation of the wuxia Chinese genre of fiction.
The first three Kung Fu Panda movies are available to stream on Peacock, while Kung Fu Panda 4 can be streamed on Netflix. For those looking to avoid streaming subscriptions, the films are available for rent or purchase on various platforms. The average price for the franchise is $14.99, with prices ranging from $3.99 to $7.99 depending on the platform.
In addition to the films, there are two Kung Fu Panda TV shows available to stream. Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness is available on Paramount+ through Apple TV, while Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight is available on Netflix. With all these options for digital streaming, rental, or purchase, fans of kung fu can enjoy the Kung Fu Panda franchise in its entirety.
The latest installment in the franchise, Kung Fu Panda 4, was released in 2024 and sees Po training a new warrior. The film has been available for digital rental or purchase since April 9, 2024, with the price of buying the film slightly higher than the preceding three movies.