Shigemi Fukahori, a survivor of the 1945 Nagasaki atomic bombing, has died at the age of 93. Fukahori was 14 years old when the U.S. dropped the bomb, killing tens of thousands of people, including his family. For years, he couldn’t speak about the traumatic experience due to painful memories and feelings of powerlessness.
It wasn’t until about 15 years ago, during a visit to Spain, that Fukahori became more outspoken about his experiences. He was inspired by a man who survived the bombing of Guernica in 1937, also at the age of 14. This shared experience helped Fukahori open up and share his story with others.
Fukahori devoted his life to advocating for peace and campaigning against nuclear weapons. He often addressed students, hoping to inspire them to take on what he called “the baton of peace.” In 2019, he handed Pope Francis a wreath of white flowers during the pope’s visit to Nagasaki, and the following year, he represented the bomb victims at a ceremony, making a pledge for peace.
Fukahori died at a hospital in Nagasaki on January 3, with local media reporting that he died of old age. A funeral service was planned on Monday at Urakami Church, where his daughter will represent the family.