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Senators who could stop Trump’s border wall construction

The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives has voted to block the construction of a border wall along the US-Mexico border, but it’s the Republican-controlled Senate that ultimately holds the power to pass or block the measure. The Senate is split 53-47 in favor of Republicans, but a few key senators could potentially block Trump’s wall plan.

One such senator is Mitt Romney, who has expressed opposition to the wall and has hinted that he might not support any bill that does not include comprehensive immigration reform. Another potential block is Susan Collins, who has also expressed reservations about the wall and has pushed for a more comprehensive approach to border security.

Additionally, Lamar Alexander, a moderate Republican, has said that he will not support a bill that does not include a way to pay for the wall, which could further complicate Trump’s plans.

It’s also worth noting that several Republican senators have expressed reservations about the cost and effectiveness of the wall, and could potentially join with Democrats to block the measure.

Despite these potential hurdles, it remains to be seen whether Trump’s wall plan will ultimately be able to clear the Senate. The president has made it clear that he is committed to building the wall, and has threatened to shut down the government if he does not get the funding he wants. However, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives has refused to budge, and the standoff continues.

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