Richard Perry, the renowned record producer, has passed away at the age of 82, after a long battle with Parkinson’s disease. Beyond being a record producer, Perry was a charismatic individual with a knack for producing hits. He was a “raconteur,” a “man about town,” and a popular host of famous parties at his historic home in West Hollywood.
As a producer, Perry was known for his instincts about hits, which often led to chart-topping success. His work with artists such as Carly Simon, Harry Nilsson, Ringo Starr, Barbra Streisand, and many others resulted in a legacy of iconic music.
Perry was also a man of great social connections, with a network of A-list celebrities, including Warren Beatty, Jack Nicholson, and many Hollywood starlets, who would gather at his home for lavish parties. He was married twice, and his second marriage to Jane Fonda was a much-talked-about affair.
Perry’s later years were marked by a struggle with Parkinson’s, but he continued to work on various projects, including a memoir called “Cloud Nine,” which detailed his adventures in the music industry. He remained active in the music world, celebrating the works of artists like El Debarge, Julio Iglesias, and Willie Nelson.
Throughout his life, Perry was surrounded by a close-knit group of friends, including his partner, Clive Davis, with whom he worked on the “Great American Songbook” series. Perry’s friends were devoted to him, and he will be deeply missed for his unwavering will to live and his love of life.