That Christmas is a new animated film released on Netflix just in time for the holiday season. The film takes place in a small town and features a standout performance from Brian Cox as Santa Claus, alongside other familiar actors. The story is creative, nostalgic, and authentic, with strong storytelling that brings together the lives of its characters, leading to a heartwarming and moving conclusion that emphasizes the importance of family and friendship.
The film is reminiscent of other beloved Christmas movies, but what sets it apart is its unique storytelling. One of the most notable comparisons is Netflix’s 2019 hit, Klaus, which also follows an unusual postman who encounters Santa Claus in the North Pole. Both films share common themes of friendship and togetherness, with a focus on community and the importance of relationships during the holiday season.
Klaus, directed by Sergio Pablos, is a charming and whimsical film that features beautiful animation and a sweet, artistic style. The film’s animation style is unlike most others, opting for a more whimsical and artistic approach that is both engaging and visually stunning. While Klaus is an instant classic, That Christmas is a worthy successor, offering a fresh and boundary-pushing take on the traditional Christmas movie.
The two films share many similarities, including their exploration of the power of friendship and community, and their emphasis on the importance of relationships during the holiday season. While That Christmas may not be as instantaneously iconic as Klaus, it is still a standout film that is sure to delight audiences of all ages. With its creative storytelling, memorable characters, and heartwarming conclusion, That Christmas is a must-watch for anyone looking for a new holiday classic.