Title: A Compassionate Batman: The Key to The Brave and the Bold’s Success
As the DC Universe prepares to kick off with Superman, the highly anticipated debut of the Caped Crusader has sparked rumors that Robert Pattinson’s Batman may be incorporated into the DCU. While this could alleviate the confusion of having two versions of Batman, I’m hoping it won’t be the case. The DCU has the perfect opportunity to deliver a unique yet accurate interpretation of Batman, and one that will stand out from its live-action predecessors.
One of Batman’s most compelling characteristics is his propensity to care about his villains, even after beating them to a pulp. This is exemplified by his no-kill rule and his tendency to look out for his enemies. In comics, Batman has left Thanksgiving dinner for Solomon Grundy and even helped Clayface reform. His compassion goes further, as he repeatedly attempts to rehabilitate his foes, bringing a compelling depth to his interactions.
Across all of Batman’s live-action appearances, Warner Bros. has failed to fully explore this fascinating trope. The DCU, on the other hand, has the space to develop and nurture these relationships. By showing a deep level of respect and support for his villains, the DCU’s Batman can create unpredictable and compelling interactions.
The Brave and the Bold, the upcoming DC movie, marks another reboot for the iconic vigilante superhero. By introducing a compassionate Batman, James Gunn’s respect for the source material makes it possible for the DCU to take a fresh approach. The film’s focus on the unique dynamic between the Dark Knight and his son, Damian Wayne, also provides a platform for this interpretation.
Ultimately, having a compassionate Batman in The Brave and the Bold would help differentiate the DCU from previous iterations. It would create an opportunity for unexpected and enthralling storylines, as the Dark Knight’s relationships with his rogues’ gallery are a key part of his character.