Karate Kid: Legends Brings Together Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan, but Creates a Complicated Plot Hole
Karate Kid: Legends, set to hit theaters on May 30, 2025, brings together iconic martial arts figures Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan. However, this reunites characters from two separate movies, creating a complicated plot hole. The 2010 Karate Kid movie, starring Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith, closely followed the original movie’s premise, making it a reboot rather than a sequel.
The new movie sees Macchio’s Daniel LaRusso join forces with Chan’s Mr. Han to teach a new student (played by Ben Wang) karate. The exact plot is unknown, but it’s unclear how Daniel and Mr. Han will meet. The most significant challenge will be justifying the similarities between their stories.
The Karate Kid (2010) and the 1984 original have similar stories, with Mr. Han and Mr. Miyagi both protecting a kid from bullying and teaching them martial arts. The 2010 movie introduced enough changes to keep it fresh and unique, making it a reboot rather than a sequel. However, 2025’s Karate Kid: Legends is bringing these characters together, which will be difficult to explain.
Daniel and Dre’s stories are essentially identical, with both characters moving to a new location, facing bullying, and being improved by an unlikely friendship. While people can coincidentally have similar backgrounds, Daniel and Dre take it to an entirely different level. The new movie will have to create some hidden connections to make this make sense.
One possible explanation is that Mr. Miyagi’s ancestors learned a style of karate in China, which could be connected to Mr. Han’s kung fu. This could be the foundation of their relationship, distracting audiences from the similarities. Alternatively, Mr. Miyagi could have written to Mr. Han, telling him about his young student and friend, inspiring him to take Dre under his wing.
Karate Kid: Legends is a sequel to Cobra Kai and The Karate Kid, directed by Jonathan Entwistle. The film sees Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan reprising their roles, continuing the legacy of martial arts mentorship and rivalry in a new era of challenges and apprentices.