President Trump Names Alina Habba as Counselor.

President-elect Trump Announces New Members of His White House Team

President-elect Trump announced on Sunday evening that Alina Habba will be joining his White House team as counselor to the President. Habba is a strong advocate for justice and a fierce defender of the rule of law. Additionally, she has been a loyal and valued advisor to Trump’s campaign and transition team.

Trump praised Habba’s dedication and resolve, stating that there are few who understand the weaponization of the “injustice” system as well as she does. Habba, a first-generation American of Middle Eastern heritage, has also been named Chaldean Woman of the Year.

In addition to Habba’s appointment, Trump also announced the nominations of Christopher Landau as Deputy Secretary of State and Michael Needham as counselor to the Department of State. Landau, a former ambassador to Mexico, has worked to reduce illegal migration to the lowest levels in history, and Needham has extensive experience in government, the private sector, and academia.

Trump also announced that Michael Anton will serve as the director of policy planning in the State Department. Anton has experience in government, the private sector, and academia, and has been a strong advocate for an “America First” foreign policy.

Finally, Trump congratulated Brian Schimming on being re-elected as chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin. Schimming has been a key figure in many Republican victories in the state, including the historic win in 2024.

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