The Hereditary ending is a subject of interpretation, leaving many questions unanswered. The film tells the story of Annie Graham, an artist whose mother has passed away, and her family’s descent into darkness. The death of Annie’s mother sets off a chain of events that ultimately lead to the death of Annie’s daughter Charlie. The family is then plagued by supernatural occurrences and the introduction of the occult.
The climax of the film reveals that Annie’s mother was involved in the occult and was trying to summon the demon Paimon, one of the eight kings of Hell. The demon requires a human host to manifest, and Charlie’s death serves as a vessel for Paimon to enter Peter’s body. Annie becomes possessed and helps in the demon’s resurrection, ultimately sacrificing her own life to bring about the evil being’s return.
The film’s ending has been praised for its bleakness and its exploration of themes such as the fear of inheriting mental illness and the inevitability of fate. The lack of a traditional “final girl” or resolution has been criticized by some, but it has also been seen as a strength of the film. The film’s ending has left many critics and viewers debating the meaning and significance of the final scenes, and it has become a subject of discussion among horror fans.
Ari Aster’s direction and the performances of the cast, particularly Toni Collette, have been praised for bringing the story to life. The film’s score and sound design have also been commended for their ability to create tension and unease. Overall, Hereditary’s ending has left a lasting impression on audiences and has cemented the film’s place as one of the best horror movies of the 21st century.