One small thing adds years to life, experts advise.

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What’s the One Small Thing You Can Do to Improve Your Health in the New Year?

What are you focusing on in the new year to improve your health? Regular exercise, eating plant-based meals, getting more high-quality sleep, reducing stress, and limiting alcohol are all key ways to boost well-being. However, there is one behavior change often overlooked when we think about improving our health: hydration.

Drinking plenty of water can improve blood pressure, diabetes, joint, gut, and kidney health, as well as ease migraines and boost the glow of your skin. Yet, it’s often overlooked. Experts say water’s benefits are almost too numerous to mention, and it’s so easy to make a change. Attach drinking a full glass of water to other key routines you do without thinking.

Attach drinking a full glass of water to other key routines you do without thinking, such as drinking a glass of water while waiting for your coffee to perk, or drinking it down before going for a walk. Experts on habit formation say that if you attach a new habit to an old one, it’s easier to remember to accomplish the new task.

Statistics show that many Americans fail to drink enough water, with the recommended daily intake being 8-10 cups for women and 10-12 cups for men. However, more than 50% of Americans do not meet these recommended levels.

To make drinking more water a habit, experts suggest filling a 32-ounce bottle with water in the morning and making sure to drink it throughout the day. You can also include foods that contain water, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, oranges, and lettuce, to help with hydration.

Aim to drink 2 to 3 quarts of water on regular days without intense physical activity or prolonged time in hot environments. Remember, you don’t have to drink only water to meet your needs, as plain coffee or tea, sparkling water, and seltzers are also low-calorie choices.

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