Nicolas Cage’s 2005 film, Lord of War, receives an unexpected review from a mafia expert, Joe Serio, a former CIA agent and Russian mafia investigator. Serio, who has worked with the National Police in Moscow and the FBI, praises the film’s historical accuracy, particularly in its portrayal of the Russian mafia’s activities in Brighton Beach, New York.
In a video interview with Insider, Serio highlights several scenes that are authentic, including the Russian mafia’s use of extortion and violence to control businesses and eliminate rivals. He commends Nicolas Cage’s performance as Yuri Orlov, an international arms dealer, and notes that the film’s depiction of weapons deals is accurate, citing his own experiences with arms transactions in Moscow.
Serio gives the film a rating of 9 out of 10, stating that the Russian mafia’s influence in the former Soviet Union and its impact on the United States is well-represented in the film. He notes that while the film is not typically considered one of Cage’s best, its accuracy and attention to detail make it a neglected gem worth revisiting.
The movie tells the story of Orlov’s rise to power as an arms dealer, from his early days in Brighton Beach to his lucrative international dealings. The film has a 62% Rotten Tomatoes score, but Serio’s review suggests that it is worthy of more recognition, particularly given its accurate portrayal of the Russian mafia and arms trade. The fact that a sequel is in development, with original director and writer Andrew Niccol at the helm, could result in an even more acclaimed film that explores the darker side of the arms trade.