
Naruto Live-Action Movie: A New Beginning for the Beloved Anime Franchise

A live-action Naruto movie is in the works, directed by Destin Daniel Cretton, who is also set to direct the upcoming Spider-Man sequel. This news comes as the franchise is looking for a return to its roots after the introduction of new elements in the series, particularly the Otsutsuki storyline.

The original Naruto series, which debuted in 1999, has become a global phenomenon with its anime series, games, and other products. The franchise changed direction with the introduction of the Boruto series, which sets over a decade after the end of the Fourth Great Ninja War and deals with aliens and advanced technology. This narrative shift has moved away from the ninja-centric storylines and strategic games played by the villages, which is what the live-action movie aims to recapture.

The Naruto live-action movie will have to make changes to the story while staying true to the spirit of the original series. It will be a different media, and compromises will be necessary. The film could potentially be a long-running series with multiple entries, allowing audiences to grow up with the characters.

The director of the movie, Destin Daniel Cretton, has been praised by Naruto’s creator, Masashi Kishimoto, as the perfect choice to bring the series to life in a live-action format. With the first movie expected to be well-received, the franchise has the potential to restore its original premise and appeal to a new generation of fans.