Happiness Sparks: 5 Mantras to Bring Joy to Your Life
Do you find yourself smiling every time you hear a specific song or lighting up when you see a certain old friend? These are what I like to call happiness sparks. We need them now more than ever to thrive, despite the challenges, distractions, and overwhelming current events. The key is to bring more happiness sparks into your life – not by chance, but by choice.
It takes mental strength and discipline to adopt perspectives and make choices that can help bring us joy, especially when negative emotions and thoughts are hijacking us. The most mentally strong people lean on these five mantras, which can provide little bursts of resilience and create sparks of happiness.
1. “It’s not what I lost, it’s what I still have”
Focusing on what you still have makes a profound difference. Consciously practicing gratitude improves well-being, research shows. In adverse situations, you might be grateful for valuable insights, loved ones, and new opportunities.
2. “There’s no such thing as a perfect path”
Second-guessing a path you’ve chosen or lamenting that not everything is working out as you’d hoped can get you stuck in a negative loop. Embrace the imperfect path and focus on overcoming obstacles along the way. Remember, successes often come with adversity.
3. “Let it be”
Rather than trying to banish an adverse event from your psyche or change how it makes you feel, practice cognitive acceptance. Acknowledge and accept your emotions, then focus on moving forward in a productive way.
4. “Big picture, small step”
When struggling with setbacks, small challenges can seem insurmountable. Remind yourself of the ultimate goal or vision of the life you want to live. Identify a small step you can take to get back on track and build momentum.
5. “Adversity creates beliefs, not consequences”
Think of this as your ABC phrase. Adversity doesn’t automatically mean negative outcomes. The end result is determined by how you respond to it and the beliefs you form as a result.
Avoid falling into the trap of thinking “I’ll be happy when…” and instead focus on cultivating happiness through mindfulness and gratitude. By adopting these five mantras, you’ll be better equipped to find and experience joy in the world around you, every day.