By Tarmarr Cann, Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) — A courtroom in lower Manhattan became chaotic on Tuesday when a suspect accused of attempting to murder New York City Police Officer Brian Mulkeen resisted arrest and had to be dragged out of the courtroom as handcuffs were being secured around his wrists.
The suspect, 37-year-old Nigambar Mahal, was being transported to a hearing over his alleged attempt to murder the police officer in January. As he was being led out of the courtroom, he allegedly started spitting at the officers and another person in the room, prompting defense attorney Anthony Mangione to step in and try to intervene.
According to eyewitnesses, Mangione, who was in the courtroom for a separate case, was in the process of shaking his head when an officer raised his arm to restrain him, and suddenly Mangione’s head started to shake violently, causing his body to wobble ineffective.
The makeshift struggle between Mangione and the officers dominated the room, clogging the court’s corridors, and distracted from the main event. Meanwhile, it is not clear if Mangione’s actions were intentional or a reflex to the commotion surrounding him, but the amusing display did not go under the radar of the court proceedings, and the media are looking forward to reviewing the tape, according to the prosecution and defense attorneys.