The After film franchise has been popular since its 2019 debut, but the final installment, After Everything, took a detour in the storyline. Instead of focusing on Tessa and Hardin’s complicated romantic journey, the movie focuses on Hardin’s personal growth and desire to become a better person. The ending satisfyingly answers the biggest question of whether Tessa and Hardin end up together, but Tessa’s absence cannot be ignored. Josephine Langford, who played Tessa, was barely present in the final installment, appearing for only 15 minutes in the proposal scene and in flashbacks.
The reason for Tessa’s limited role is because After Everything is entirely told from Hardin’s perspective, rather than Tessa’s. This is a departure from the previous films, which were based on books by Anna Todd and told from Tessa’s perspective or split between her and Hardin’s. The shift in perspective likely played a part in Langford’s diminished role in the film.
Tessa’s absence significantly impacted the movie’s reception, particularly among fans who had followed the series closely. The decision to sideline Tessa for the majority of the film and focus on Hardin’s personal struggles and misadventures did not sit well with audiences. The film felt one-dimensional and significantly less engaging without Tessa’s counterbalancing perspective. The portrayal of Hardin’s character without Tessa also made the film feel unbalanced and rushed, contributing to a general consensus that the movie failed to deliver the emotional depth and relational dynamics that fans had come to anticipate.
Despite this, Josephine Langford has moved on to other projects, including the movie The Other Zoey. The After franchise, on the other hand, will continue with new films in the series. Two movies are currently being developed: a prequel titled Before, which will explore Hardin’s younger years and won’t feature Tessa, and a sequel that will focus on Tessa and Hardin’s children, Emery and Auden.