The Magazine Dreams trailer has been released, nearly two years after the film’s premiere at the Sundance Film Festival and the subsequent controversy surrounding lead actor Jonathan Majors. The movie, written and directed by Elijah Bynum, follows a self-destructive bodybuilder named Killian Maddox, played by Majors, who is obsessed with becoming Mr. Olympia. Despite his lonely and regimented life, Maddox yearns for human connection, which only pushes him further towards self-destruction, including taking steroids despite doctor’s warnings.
The trailer introduces Majors’ performance as Killian Maddox, which has received critical acclaim since the film’s premiere. Back in January 2023, Magazine Dreams was acquired by Searchlight Pictures, a division of Disney, for theatrical distribution. However, after Majors’ arrest for assault in March 2023 and subsequent conviction in December 2023, the movie was dropped by the distributor.
The movie stars Jonathan Majors alongside Haley Bennett, Taylour Paige, Mike O’Hearn, Harrison Page, and Harriet Sansom Harris. Despite the controversy surrounding Majors, Magazine Dreams is scheduled to be released in theaters. The film will explore themes of loneliness, desperation, and self-destruction, offering a unique and powerful portrayal of the dark side of bodybuilding. With a runtime of 124 minutes, Magazine Dreams is set to be a gripping and intense cinematic experience.