This year marks the 40th anniversary of the iconic Cold War thriller “Red Dawn,” a film that showcased patriotism, a love for the American military and warned of the dangers of gun control. The movie, directed by John Milius, premiered in 1984 and stars Patrick Swayze, Jennifer Grey, Charlie Sheen, C. Thomas Howell, Lea Thompson, and Powers Boothe.
According to Amanda Milius, the director’s daughter, the film’s 40th anniversary has given her a chance to reflect on its legacy and the lessons she’s learned from her father’s experience making the movie. She notes that “Hollywood says all they care about is if the thing makes money, like they’ll, you know, support it. Not true. That movie made a great deal of money and they were like, ‘You’re never getting your hands on a camera again until you calm down.'”
The film’s patriotic tone, which celebrated the American military and the idea of fighting to defend one’s country, was not well-received by liberal Hollywood. Amanda Milius notes that the movie’s success was seen as a rebuke to the left’s ideology, and that the film’s themes of patriotism and gun ownership were deemed unacceptable. She quotes a line from the movie, “Because we live here,” which was said by Swayze’s character, and explains that it means “We have to do this. We have to take care of the country… This is our responsibility.”
The film’s focus on gun control, in particular, was seen as a warning against government overreach. According to Milius, her father’s intention was to show the dangers of allowing the government to confiscate guns. The movie’s depiction of a Soviet invasion and itsOwn use of gun registration lists to confiscate weapons was seen as a stark warning to the American people. Milius notes that her father “got to do the most of what he wanted without interference” in making the film, which allowed him to showcase his views on the dangers of government overreach.
The film has become a cultural touchstone, and its themes continue to be debated to this day. While some have criticized the movie for its right-wing ideology, Milius believes that it remains a powerful exploration of American values and the importance of defending one’s country.