Released in 2011, Something Borrowed was a romantic comedy adaptation of the bestselling novel by Emily Giffin. The film, directed by Luke Greenfield and starring Kate Hudson, Ginnifer Goodwin, Colin Egglesfield, and John Krasinski, tells the story of Rachel, a woman who sleeps with her best friend’s fiancĂ© on her 30th birthday, and the aftermath that ensues.
The film ends with a cliffhanger, leaving viewers expecting a sequel. However, despite a potential second book to draw from, “Something Blue,” and writer Emily Giffin scripting the potential sequel, nothing has been produced. The last update on the sequel’s status was in 2017, and it seems unlikely that it will move forward.
One of the major challenges for a potential sequel is that the main characters are now older than the characters they portray. Ginnifer Goodwin and Colin Egglesfield discussed this in an episode of “Coffee With Colin,” saying that Emily Giffin would need to write another book and that they are quite a bit older than the characters they played. Additionally, John Krasinski’s star has risen significantly since 2011, making it possible that he may not have the time to return to the role.
The last update on the sequel was in 2017, when Emily Giffin posted a picture of her and John Krasinski on Facebook, leading fans to believe that the project was still in the works. However, there has been little to no movement since then. It seems unlikely that the sequel will materialize, leaving the original film on a cliffhanger.