First Lady Jill Biden Speaks Bitterly of Nancy Pelosi’s Role in Toppling Her Husband’s Presidential Campaign
In a recent interview with The Washington Post, First Lady Jill Biden reflected bitterly on the role played by former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in removing her husband, President Joe Biden, from the top of the Democratic Party’s 2024 ticket. After Biden’s disastrous debate performance last June, Pelosi worked behind the scenes to persuade Biden to step aside, which led to his eventual replacement by Vice President Kamala Harris.
In the interview, Biden expressed disappointment and disillusionment with Pelosi’s actions, citing their 50-year friendship and her betrayal. “Let’s just say I was disappointed with how it unfolded,” she said. “I learned a lot about human nature.”
Pelosi had publicly defended her actions, stating that if Biden had stepped aside sooner, there may have been other candidates in the race and that Vice President Harris would have done better in an open primary. However, Biden’s endorsement of Harris immediately after she was chosen as the new Democratic nominee made it difficult for other candidates to emerge.
Pelosi had also questioned Biden’s political operation, saying she was “never impressed” with it. Biden’s friends and allies, however, remained loyal to him and felt betrayed by Pelosi’s actions.