Jake Gyllenhaal starred in the 2011 sci-fi movie Source Code, which ended with a multiverse twist that set up a potential sequel. The film follows Army Captain Colter Stevens as he experiences an eight-minute time loop, reliving the same events to uncover the identity of a domestic terrorist. However, as the story progresses, it’s revealed that Colter’s consciousness slips into another universe, leaving his physical body behind.
The movie’s conclusion leaves room for exploration, as Colter’s new life is still connected to the Source Code Program, a government project that could be continued. This alternative Colter could have been the protagonist of a potential sequel, allowing for a new mission and character development.
The ending can be interpreted as setting up a continuing storyline, where Colter’s consciousness jumps to new realities, each with its own unique mission. This framework could have led to a series of sequels, adopting a similar approach to Quantum Leap, but with a darker tone.
The new sequel could have revolved around the original Colter, still trapped in the Source Code Program, while the alternative Colter from the ending could have been the protagonist, played by a different actor to differentiate the two characters. This setup would have given the original Colter a new purpose, working to free his multiverse counterpart, played by Frédérick De Grandpré, who resembles Sean Fentress.
The audience would have been aware of more information than Colter at the beginning of Source Code 2, as the story would revolve around his simulations within the program. This would have created a unique and intriguing narrative, allowing Gyllenhaal to reprise his role and explore new aspects of the character.
Despite the potential for a sequel, Source Code 2 was never produced, leaving the story and characters in a state of limbo. The franchise would have had immense potential, with a new tone and direction, exploring the boundaries of the Source Code Program and the complexities of multiverse theory.