Karate Kid: Legends, the upcoming sequel to the iconic franchise, has cleared up the mystery surrounding the connection between Mr. Han and the original characters, Daniel LaRusso and Mr. Miyagi.
According to director Jonathan Entwistle, Mr. Han and Mr. Miyagi are connected through the Han and Miyagi family ties, which date back to “old times”. This connection is mentioned throughout the Karate Kid franchise for those who pay attention.
This revelation makes it clear why Mr. Han, played by Jackie Chan, is teaming up with Daniel LaRusso, played by Ralph Macchio, to train a new student, Li Fong, in New York City. The shared history between the Han and Miyagi families will likely bring Mr. Han and Daniel closer together as they take on this new challenge.
Karate Kid: Legends will bring together different eras of the franchise without requiring too many retcons, making Mr. Han’s connection to Mr. Miyagi and Daniel LaRusso a crucial piece of the puzzle.