Moana 2: A Family-Friendly Adventure
Moana 2, the latest offering from Disney Animation, returns to the titular young woman three years after the events of the first film. Moana’s latest adventure reunites her with the demi-god Maui and brings along some new friends as she embarks on a mission to lift a powerful curse.
The film’s cast of characters are largely likable and don’t go through too extreme of an arc, with the focus largely being centered on the adventure. Moana 2 has been rated PG by the MPAA for “action/peril,” which reflects the film’s dangerous but ultimately family-friendly narrative.
The film’s focus on adventure has some natural elements of peril and danger, with more than one character coming close to dying. However, the overall movie benefits from a light touch that makes it very suitable for families. There are sweet morals at the core of the story, and the imagery lacks the occasionally unsettling elements introduced in Moana’s Realm of the Monsters.
While Moana 2’s focus on an exciting adventure justifies a PG-rating over a G-rating, it’s still a sweet and straightforward story that young audiences can enjoy. There’s no overtly inappropriate content in Moana 2, and the action is reactive rather than violent. This makes it an ideal family film, as young children can enjoy the excitement and thrills of an epic adventure without being overwhelmed by massive battles or intense duels.
Moana 2 is a colorful film with broad characters, and even in its darkest moments, the peril is met with a cheeky sense of humor or a triumphant turn that feels very reminiscent of the Disney Animation style. Overall, Moana 2 is a suitable film for children, and parents can feel confident in bringing their kids to see it.