Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has rejected a proposal reportedly made by President-elect Donald Trump’s team to resolve the conflict in Ukraine. The proposal, which included postponing Ukraine’s membership in NATO for 20 years and introducing a peacekeeping contingent of British and European forces to Ukraine, was deemed unacceptable by Russia.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has also made it clear that he will not make a peace deal with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s government, stating that Zelenskyy and his government are “illegitimate.” Putin has claimed that only the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s unicameral parliament, and its chairman, Ruslan Stefanchuk, are “legitimate” because Ukraine’s constitution allows the extension of authorities for Rada during wartime.
Putin has also ruled out a cease-fire, stating that it would give the adversary an opportunity to secure a foothold in their positions, obtain military hardware, and retrain. He has claimed that a relatively long period of truce would enable the adversary to obtain training and retrain, and that Russia would “sign documents” only with representatives from legitimate authorities.
Putin has made it clear that he will not make concessions and will continue to push for his demands, which include Ukraine becoming a neutral state with no path to NATO membership, U.S. and Western sanctions removed from Russia, and the recognition by the West of annexed territories as Russian.
Putin has also been mobilizing additional forces non-stop throughout the conflict, including with covert means, and has added 180,000 troops to the Russian armed forces. He has also challenged Washington to a “21st-century high-tech duel” to test U.S. air defense and missile defense systems against the Russian Oreshnik hypersonic missile.
Given Putin’s aggressive posture and limited leverage the U.S. has with Russia, Team Trump will have to look for creative solutions if they are to fulfill their campaign promise to bring peace to Ukraine.