The Godzilla “versus” movies are a beloved part of the long-running Godzilla franchise, which began in 1954 with the original Godzilla film. These movies feature Godzilla, a colossal, prehistoric sea monster, battling a range of memorable foes, from shape-shifting plant creatures to robotic doppelgängers. Despite some titles being considered skippable, each film offers a unique take on Godzilla’s adversaries and the monster’s complex legacy.
Godzilla vs. Megalon (1973) is one of the lower-rated titles in the franchise, with a 4.8-star rating on IMDb. The film features a campy tone and a simple plotline, likely due to a restricted budget. However, it also includes one of Godzilla’s most bizarre battles and a sad moment that makes it a worthwhile watch for those looking to explore Godzilla’s emotional landscape.
Godzilla vs. Gigan (1972) is another notable title, featuring Godzilla uniting with Anguirus to defend Earth from the evil space monsters Gigan and King Ghidorah. Directed by Jun Fukuda, the film follows manga artist Gengo Kotaka as he uncovers an alien plot to conquer Earth using extraterrestrial creatures. With a runtime of 89 minutes and a 5.6-star rating on IMDb, Godzilla vs. Gigan is a must-watch for fans of the franchise.
The Godzilla franchise has evolved over the years, exploring themes of environmental destruction, nuclear anxiety, and human resilience. With numerous films, TV series, and an expanding universe, Godzilla remains a cultural icon, captivating audiences worldwide with its epic battles and compelling narratives.