The Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy is a beloved franchise in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but even the best franchises have some lines that have aged poorly with time. Here are 10 quotes from the first three movies that haven’t held up as well as others.
- "If I had a blacklight, this would look like a Jackson Pollock painting" – Star-Lord, Guardians of the Galaxy
This line, spoken by Star-Lord to Rocket, refers to the state of his ship, the Milano. While it’s a humorous line, it’s also gross and clashes with Star-Lord’s character development over the years.
- "How could I think Tivan could contain whatever was in that Orb?" – Gamora, Guardians of the Galaxy
Gamora’s statement is problematic because it contradicts her knowledge of the Orb’s contents, which was previously established. It’s a small but noticeable mistake.
- "And this green whore…" – Drax, Guardians of the Galaxy
Drax’s comment is out of character and seems to come from left field. The filmmakers later confirmed that Drax believed "green whore" was Gamora’s species based on what he heard in the Kyln, but the movie doesn’t make that clear, making the line jarring on rewatches.
- "Dance off bro! Me and you!" – Star-Lord, Guardians of the Galaxy
While the dance-off scene is a beloved moment, Star-Lord’s initial line is a bit cringeworthy. One could argue that the initial line would have been better if Star-Lord had just kept dancing.
- "A Garden of the Galaxy…" – Nebula, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Nebula’s comment refers to a concept that isn’t fully explored, making it feel like a grasping-at-straws moment. The line doesn’t add much to the story and only serves as a way to develop Adam’s character.
- "Open the f***ing door!" – Star-Lord, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
This line is a funny moment in an otherwise PG-13 movie, but it’s also a notable first use of the F-word in the MCU. Some argue that this moment should have been saved for something more impactful, like Rocket’s moment with the High Evolutionary.
- "Did that look cool?" – Star-Lord, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Peter Quill’s comment immediately follows his near-death experience, taking away the suspense and drama of the scene. It would have been better to have him remain frozen in space, only to be recovered by Adam later.
These lines, while not as effective today, are a testament to the development and growth of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise and its beloved characters.