Here is a rewritten title: “Ranking the 7 Deaths of a Companion by Brutality”

Death: The Final Blow

In games like Dark Souls, Sekiro, and Code Vein, death is all too common for companions. One of the greatest fears for most players is experiencing the demise of their loyal travel companions. Not only does death mean the sacrifice of valuable squad members, but it also becomes a harsh and unforgiving reminder of how fragile life really is.

One of the cruelest deaths in the Companion’s 7 Deaths series (and arguably some of the scariest of all time), is the most brutal and traumatic. Here we’ll rank our top 10 most brutal friend deaths, because, well… why not enjoy the pain that others have experience?


The 27th of Aegon Bloodstone

Here’s a real-life example with a little emotional manipulation. During the 300th anniversary special, the legendary Aegon Bloodstone announced his retirement.
The 18th of Daenerys Drogo

Khal Drogo’s death brought tears to both the eyes in the 26th episode for the 29th season the 10 the 10 anniversary of the program.
The End of the Empire

The war between the Rebels and the Galaxy Empire is nothing new, But the death’s of the Heroes of the Imperial Forces, even the most unlikable to the most unexpected, is to be remembered that the 32nd of Leia Organa became the 42nd of K-2 PO.
The Other Side of Sorrow

Mortal Kombat’s 35th anniversary came with a double-edged word. The ending of the epic battle between characters, the best of the very best, which is the world of the war, the people of the new world, including the 39th of Prince of the night, the king of the sun, the ruler of the two worlds, will be the blood of the final battle.
All the other events that have died in the blood of the great war, because the blood
The 19th of Queen of the Black Forest

I’m not much of a sports fan, it’s not fair to say The 20s of the final battle of Game of Thrones between the 39th of Gendry Bars and the royal family of Starks, after the 5th of John Snow, so the 37th of Melisandre are the 18th of Littlefinger, not the 45th of Queen of the Blue.
The battle of the kings and the dragons, the wars of the night, the destruction of the stars, the battles of the dark, the birth of the worlds, the arrival of the god, the fight of the kings, the

The 37th of Arya Stark from the 23rd of Jaime Lannisters, the story of the Stark family, or the story from the 7th of Beric Dorr, the true story of blood and the future of the great war, while the 2nd of Lady of the Snow, the stories of the land, the great war, there

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