The Monsterverse franchise is set to continue with a new Godzilla x Kong sequel, which is scheduled to be released on March 29, 2024. The film will see Godzilla and Kong team up to take on the villainous Skar King from the Hollow Earth, who threatens to destroy the entire surface world.
The sequel will be directed by Grant Sputore, who takes over from original director Adam Wingard. The plot of the film is currently unknown, but it is expected to build upon the events of the previous film, Godzilla vs Kong.
The Monsterverse franchise has been a huge success, with the previous film receiving mixed reviews but performing well at the box office. The franchise has been praised for its epic kaiju action and its ability to put a Hollywood spin on the classic Toho Godzilla series.
The Godzilla x Kong sequel is expected to be a major event in the world of kaiju cinema, and fans are eagerly awaiting more information about the plot and characters. With the release date set for March 2024, it won’t be long before we find out what’s in store for Godzilla and Kong.