The Transformers franchise has had a checkered history, with its live-action movies receiving varying degrees of critical and commercial success. Since the series began in 2007, the franchise has seen its ups and downs, from the well-received original to the poorly received The Last Knight. In this article, we will explore the best of the Transformers movies, as well as the most disappointing ones.
The franchise began with the 1986 animated movie, which reviewed positively but underperformed at the box office. The series continued to grow, with the 2007 live-action film, which received mixed reviews but did well commercially. The sequels, Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon, received negative reviews and did not live up to the original’s critical acclaim.
In 2011, Age of Extinction was released, which was met with mixed reviews and divided audiences. The franchise then took a break before returning with Bumblebee, a live-action spin-off that received positive reviews and offered a new perspective on the franchise.
Most recent releases include Transformers: Rise of the Beasts and the animated film, Transformers One, which received critical acclaim but did not do as well at the box office as expected. The franchise is set to continue, with a crossover movie with G.I. Joe and potential live-action films in the works.
The best of the Transformers movies, in order, are:
1. Bumblebee (2018) – A family-friendly film that focuses on the bond between a young girl and her robot, Bumblebee.
2. Transformers (2007) – The original live-action film that started the franchise, which received mixed reviews but did well commercially.
3. Transformers: The Movie (1986) – The animated film that deviated from the source material and received negative reviews but has since become a cult classic.
4. Transformers One (2024) – The animated film that explores the origins of Megatron and Optimus Prime, and received critical acclaim.
Overall, the Transformers franchise has had its ups and downs, but there is still a lot to look forward to, especially with the upcoming crossover with G.I. Joe.