The DC Universe is home to a plethora of powerful characters that often go unrecognized in its movies. Many characters are overlooked due to their limited screen time or being hidden in films that are not well-received. However, these characters should not be underestimated, as they possess incredible strength and abilities.
Steppenwolf, the villain from Justice League, is often glossed over in the conversation for DC’s strongest movie villains. However, additional scenes in the Zack Snyder cut of the film show his true strength, including his ability to demolish the Amazonians on Themyscira with his army. His reactive armor, powerful strength, electric axe, and eons of experience make him a formidable opponent.
El Diablo, from Suicide Squad, is another character who is often undersung. He has the ability to unleash massive swathes of intense flames, making him a powerful force to be reckoned with. In his powered-up skeletal form, he is able to battle the ancient god Incubus to a standstill.
Nuclear Man, from Superman IV: The Quest for Peace, is a character whose in-universe strength is preceded by his infamy. He is able to nearly bring Superman to his knees, and his immense strength and speed match Superman’s. He also has several unique tertiary powers, including hyper-dense claws and telekinetic tractor beams.
Karathen, from Aquaman, is a massive, monstrous kaiju that operates on a world-ending scale. She is an ancient and powerful sea creature that is able to slap Aquaman around like a fly and defeat his mother countless times off-screen.
Artemis, from Justice League, is another character who shows off an impressive suite of power in her brief appearance. She is the goddess of the hunt, animals, chastity, childbirth, and the moon, and is able to use her enchanted bow to shoot down entire Apokoliptian battleships.
These characters are just a few examples of the many powerful beings in the DC Universe. They may not always get the recognition they deserve, but they are undoubtedly formidable forces to be reckoned with.