Hannity scores first Season 2 Oval Office interview
Sean Hannity, host of the popular Fox News show “Hannity,” has scored the first Oval Office interview of Season 2 of his show. The distinction is significant, as it represents the first time a primetime cable news host has ever landed such an interview.
Hannity’s interview with President Trump took place on Wednesday, and the details of the hour-long conversation are still being pored over by the media and the public alike. Prior to the broadcast, rumors had swirled about just how much traction Hannity’s interview with the President would get, with some pundits predicting major news and others downplaying its potential impact.
Regardless, the actual broadcast made good on many of the hype predictions, delivering a number of major news stories and scoops that are still dominating the 24-hour news cycle. One such bombshell revelation came when President Trump revealed that he will be taking action to ensure the return of production jobs to the United States.
In an exclusive to the show, the President revealed that he and his team are working on a plan to incentivize businesses to repatriate production jobs from overseas back to the U.S. The move is seen as a major step in the President’s efforts to redouble his commitment to creating jobs and rebuilding the U.S. economy.
The President’s comments on the topic came as part of a wide-ranging interview that touched on everything from the situation in North Korea to the ongoing investigations into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Throughout, the President stuck to his guns, reiterating his commitment to the American people and pushing back against what he sees as a witch hunt aimed at discrediting him.
In the end, “Hannity” may have started its new season with a bang, but the real challenge will come in the days and weeks ahead. Can Sean Hannity and his team continue to land high-profile interviews and deliver the hard-hitting news that their audience has come to expect? Only time will tell.