SURVEY: HALF of Adults Worldwide Hold Antisemitic Views
A new survey conducted by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has revealed striking findings about the prevalence of antisemitic attitudes around the world. The study, which polled over 20,000 adults in 19 countries, has found that a staggering half of them hold antisemitic views.
The survey, which was carried out in partnership with the BBC, identified the United States as one of the most significant hotspots for antisemitic sentiment, with a worrying 34% of respondents expressing anti-Semitic opinions. In the United Kingdom, 26% of those questioned agreed with anti-Semitic statements, while in Canada, the figure was 21%.
Germany, which has a notoriously difficult history with the Jewish people, saw 40% of respondents displaying anti-Semitic beliefs. France, which has also struggled with anti-Semitic sentiments, had a 36% participation rate.
The survey also found that women, older adults, and those with lower levels of education were more likely to hold anti-Semitic views. Additionally, younger people were significantly more likely to be strongly opposed to anti-Semitism.
The survey’s findings were striking, with a significant number of respondents voicing support for conspiracy theories such as the widely-discredited notion that Jews control the world, or that a global Jewish conspiracy dominates international affairs. The study also found that many respondents believed that Jews had an unfair level of power and influence.
The study’s author, Sharon Nazarian, a representative of the ADL, stated that the alarming results highlight the urgent need for governments, educational institutions, and other organizations to address the rising tide of antisemitism. She emphasized that it is crucial to promote tolerance, empathy, and understanding, as well as combat anti-Semitic ideologies and conspiracy theories.
According to the ADL, surveys conducted in other countries revealed equally disturbing results. For instance, 27% of respondents in Poland and 22% in Hungary held anti-Semitic views. In Australia, 16% of the surveyed population expressed anti-Semitic sentiment.
In a statement, a representative for the ADL deemed the findings “a wake-up call for all of us to take immediate action” to prevent the spread of anti-Semitic attitudes. Nazarian called on governments to use the survey results to develop policies and programs that promote tolerance, understanding, and inclusivity. She urged educators to incorporate anti-bias educational materials into their curricula and encouraged civil society organizations to stage awareness campaigns and initiatives that promote diversity, equity, and social justice.
The survey’s findings underscore the pressing need for global solidarity against anti-Semitism and all forms of discrimination. It is paramount that worldwide efforts be made to create a culture of inclusivity, respect, and understanding, where diversity is celebrated and hate has no place.