Golden Globes host Nikki Glaser promises to bring lighthearted humor to the red carpet.

[Golden Globes host Nikki Glaser says her jokes won’t warrant ‘mean mugs.’

I won’t be roasting celebrities, I won’t be making fun of them or trying to make them feel bad about themselves, says Nikki Glaser, the first solo female host of the Golden Globes. “I think it’s just not…it’s not necessary. I don’t think it’s necessary to make people feel bad about themselves to get a laugh. I think you can make people laugh and have a good time without making them feel bad.”

I want to be respectful, I want to be kind, and I want to make people laugh, says Glaser. “I think that’s what’s missing from a lot of comedy nowadays is just basic human kindness and empathy. And I think that’s what I want to bring to the table.”

I’m not trying to make fun of people, I’m trying to make fun of the absurdity of life. I think if you can make people laugh at the absurdity of the world, then that’s a good thing. Laughter is a great way to break the tension and move forward.

I get why people might think some of my jokes might be mean-spirited, says Glaser. I get why people might think that, but I think that’s just because they’re not listening to the whole joke. “And I think that’s the problem with social media, is that we’re not hearing the whole joke. We’re just seeing a few words or a headline and we’re making judgments without having all the context.

Social media is, in many ways, a platform that’s been designed to make us feel bad about ourselves, says Glaser. “I think it’s a breeding ground for criticism and negativity. But I don’t think that’s what human beings were meant to do, is to tear each other down. I think we were meant to lift each other up.

This milestone moment is huge for me. I’m incredibly grateful to have this opportunity, says Glaser. “I’m proud to be the first solo female host of the Golden Globes, and I hope that I can inspire other women to pursue their passions and their dreams, no matter what they may be.

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