Galactus, a powerful cosmic entity from Marvel Comics, may be the next big bad in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) following the Multiverse Saga. Played by Ralph Ineson, Galactus is set to appear in The Fantastic Four: First Steps, the introduction to Marvel’s “First Family” in the MCU. While it is unclear how significant of a role he will play, Marvel may be positioning him as a universe-wide threat.
Galactus is one of the most powerful beings in Marvel Comics, with the ability to devour planets to sustain himself. He is essentially immortal and possesses Godlike strength, speed, and stamina. He can also control and manipulate souls, and grant the Power Cosmic to his Heralds.
If Galactus becomes a big bad for the universe, it will take every hero and perhaps some villains in the MCU to overcome his power. This could potentially lead to a massive threat to the entire universe, requiring a collective effort to stop him.
In comparison to other powerful villains in the MCU, such as Thanos and Kang, Galactus’s powers are equally impressive. Thanos, the endgame villain of the Infinity Saga, was able to alter reality and rewind time with the Infinity Stones. Kang, set to take over as the overarching villain in the Multiverse Saga, has the ability to manipulate time and reality.
The Marvel movies releasing in 2025 offer a variety of storylines and superheroes, with many hitting theaters after previously announced delays. The Fantastic Four: First Steps is set to be Galactus’s MCU debut, and the film could potentially deal with the threat of Galactus coming to Earth to feed off of it.