The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has been known for its bold storytelling, memorable characters, and groundbreaking special effects. As the series has grown, some characters have undergone significant power upgrades, making them more formidable and impactful on the big screen. Here are five Marvel characters that have gotten a power upgrade in the MCU:
1. Doctor Strange
The Sorcerer Supreme, once a mere mortal, is now an all-powerful being. After gaining the Eye of Agamotto, Doctor Strange can manipulate time and space, summoning powerful magical entities, and even bending the fabric of reality to his will.
2. Thor
The God of Thunder didn’t start with the same level of powers he possesses today. After the events of Avengers: Endgame, Thor used the Asgardian uru stones, infusing him with the powers of Thor, the Vision, and the Jane Foster Thor. This new combination has made him an even more formidable force, with the ability to wield the Stormbreaker axe and summon the gods of Asgard.
3. Black Panther
T’Challa, the King of Wakanda, was always a physically dominant figure, but after the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron, he acquired the Heart-Shaped Herb, granting him enhanced strength, speed, and agility. Additionally, he also gained the ability to control the mystical panther, Bast, and wield the mighty Vibranium-tipped claws.
4. Vision
The android Avenger has always been a powerful being, but after merging with the Mind Stone, he became even more formidable. He can control and manipulate matter, time, and space, making him a force to be reckoned with in the MCU.
5. Loki
In While the Loki of the comics is a depiction of the God of Mischief, the MCU’s version has also undergone a significant power upgrade. After touching the Infinity Stones, Loki gained the ability to teleport, manipulate reality, and wield the power of the Tesseract. This new power level has made him an even more significant threat, and a formidable ally for the Avengers.
These power upgrades have transformed their respective characters into forces to be reckoned with, taking the MCU to new heights and opening up exciting possibilities for future stories and battles.