Exposing Healthcare Industry Motives and Practices

[Ex-insurance exec exposes motives and practices in healthcare industry

I’m here to talk to you today because I’ve had enough about what I used to do. I used to sell a product that I no longer believe in, that’s why I’m here. I was a health insurance company executive, and I was a proud and loyal employee of Cigna, one of the largest health insurance companies in the United States, for 18 years.

I used to be proud to work for that company, but I’m not anymore. I’m here to tell you that the way we did business was shameful, was unethical, was fundamentally flawed. We were always looking for ways to limit coverage, to deny coverage, to make more money. That’s the truth.

And it wasn’t just about making more money. It was about power. We had the power to make or break people’s lives. We had the power to determine who got coverage, who didn’t get coverage, who got good coverage, who didn’t get good coverage. And we used that power to manipulate people, to take advantage of people, to exploit people.

I was part of a system that was designed to maximize profits for the company, not to provide good coverage for the people who were paying us. And I was part of a system that was built on a foundation of dishonesty, of deception, of lying to people.

I used to sell policies that were designed to be underwritten, to be underwritten in such a way that people would never be able to collect on them. I used to market policies that were designed to make people think they had coverage when they didn’t. I used to tell people that they had coverage, that it was for their benefit, when in fact it was for the company’s benefit, not theirs.

And I know I’m not alone. There are thousands of executives, thousands of people just like me who are still out there, who are still selling the same kind of product, who are still selling the same kind of lies. And that’s why I’m here, to expose it, to tell the truth, to make a change.

I know that some people will say that I’m just a disgruntled employee, that I’m just trying to get attention, that I’m just trying to get revenge. But I’m not. I’m trying to make a difference. I’m trying to make a change. I’m trying to expose the truth.

And I will never go back to that industry. I will never go back to being part of that industry. I will never, ever, sell a policy that’s designed to deceive people, that’s designed to exploit people, that’s designed to make money off of people’s suffering. I will never, ever, be part of that industry again.

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