You Gotta Believe is a drama film based on the true story of a Little League baseball team from Fort Worth, Texas. The movie follows Coach Jon Kelly, played by Greg Kinnear, as he decides to give his team one last chance to win after a string of losses. Along with a cast of new and seasoned actors, the film brings the inspirational true story to life.
The movie features a talented cast, including Luke Wilson as Bobby Ratliff, a Little League baseball assistant coach who is diagnosed with cancer. As he battles the disease, he sees his last wish come true as he watches his sons play baseball.
Other notable actors in the film include Sarah Gadon as Patti Ratliff, Bobby’s wife, and Molly Parker as Kathy Kelly, Coach Jon’s wife. The movie also features Michael Cash as Robert Ratliff, Bobby’s son, and Etienne Kellici as Walker Kelly, a young player on the team.
The film received mixed reviews, but the performances by the cast are emotional and engaging, making it a worthwhile watch. With a runtime of 104 minutes, You Gotta Believe is a heartwarming and inspiring story about the power of sports to bring people together and make a difference in their lives.