Drone and armed robodog engage in deadly battle, sparking fears of a “first machine war”.

SHOCKING Footage Emerges of Drone and Robodog Fight in Fiery Exchange, Sparking Debate on Future of Warfare

A viral video has surfaced showing a drone and a robodog engaged in a fiery battle, sparking concerns about the future of warfare. The clip, which has gone viral on social media, appears to depict the two machines shooting at each other with fireworks, offering a glimpse into what a “first machine war” might look like.

It’s unclear where the fight was recorded or whether the machines were operating autonomously or controlled by a human. However, experts warn that the use of drones and robodogs could become a common feature of future conflicts.

Drones have already become a staple on the battlefield, with over 1.2 million distributed to defense forces last year, including reconnaissance, strike, and kamikaze drones. Russia is also ramping up its production of drones tenfold to nearly 1.4 million units.

Robodogs, on the other hand, are a newer development, with the US Marines testing a prototype with an AI-powered targeting system. Ukraine has also demonstrated the use of robotic dogs, which can carry up to 7kg of ammunition or medical supplies and have a battery life of up to two hours.

The rise of these technologies raises concerns about the potential for a global conflict. Fears are growing that the world is closer to a full-fledged global war than it was during World War II, with experts warning of the devastating consequences of nuclear war.

A global conflict could result in unparalleled levels of suffering, displacement, and disruption to essential services, with an estimated 99% of the population in belligerent countries, as well as Europe and China, dying in the event of a nuclear war. The world could face catastrophic events, upending the structure of society completely.

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